008. Visiting Mission Church as a Non-Believer
Friday, July 31st, 2020
Speaker: Mission Church

Hey everyone, welcome back to the Odd Church Podcast, episode 8. We’ve had the chance to catch up with our friend Hannah Rettler, who recently became a Christian and was baptized with a few friends in Sabino Canyon (https://anchor.fm/hannah-rettler). In this episode she’s going to tell us about what it was like to visit Mission Church as someone who wasn’t sure what she believed, but was curious about God. Like we all do with anything new or unfamiliar, Hannah had some pre-conceived notions about what it would mean to become a Christian, and what it would require of her – like an affinity for Donald Trump and mainstream country music. On a personal note , I am very thankful that neither of those are prerequisites – like – very thankful… But before I get lured down a rabbit hole, here’s Episode 8 of the Odd Church Podcast.